The NAIS logo: a hand forming an OK symbol, shaped like a pipe wrench, in rainbow colors

nais blog


Welcome to the informal technical journal of the team behind

Pentesting in the open security != obscurity
Being NAIS at a distance How we work in a hybrid world
Introducing Elm as a frontend contender Replacing React with Elm as our frontend programming language brings risks, rewards, and lots of developer happiness.
SLSA Spice up your supply chain
Enable data teams to deliver high-quality data products How data governance adds value in a data mesh
Do we need an internal technology platform? The case for platforms at NAV
Changing Service Mesh How we swapped Istio with Linkerd with hardly any downtime
OAuth del 3 (PKCE) OAuth Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)
FIDO2 Intro to FIDO2
Project Structure on GCP A short explanation of projects in NAV's GCP setup
Zero-trust networking in GCP A brief introduction to zero-trust networking
OAuth del 2 (Token Exchange) OAuth for dummies, del 2 (token exchange)
OAuth del 1 OAuth for dummies, del 1